Waking up smiling can set in motion an intention for the day. We can venture into the day with joy and laughter. Wake Up Smiling Apparel was created to revel in our abilities to smile, laugh, and feel joy. It also reaches out to find the beauty of our planet, with a focus on Canada's West Coast where we are located. We want to promote good health and a heightened sense of well-being through smiling, laughing, and feeling joyful however that might be manifested, but specifically through observing the beauty we find in our surroundings.

How We Do Things

We believe that there is something special about designing imagery, screen printing, and dyeing garments with a hand-made personal touch. We handle each garment with care and with the intention of creating a special item that someone will enjoy, cherish, and keep for a long time. Wake Up Smiling Apparel promotes careful product purchasing and long-term use of quality items. Because we carefully produce our products, we store a modest inventory. This is why you may see selective colours and sizes offered. We hope that you can find a style that you cherish.

The Ink We Use

Wake Up Smiling Apparel designs, screen prints, and dyes products in Sointula, British Columbia, Canada. We use eco-friendly water-based ink for screen printing. Water-based ink does not contain environmental and health damaging chemicals and does not require the use of harmful solvents for cleaning. In addition to environmental and health related benefits, water-based ink creates a visually satisfying effect as well as a soft handle on garments, making them comfortable to wear.

The Dye We Use

For tie-dyed garments, we use fiber reactive Procion dye that produces rich, colourfast blues and greens. See Garment Care for the best way to care for your tie-dye shirts.

The Garments We Use

Wake Up Smiling Apparel embellishes garments made by American Apparel, with only a few exceptions. We indicate on individual product descriptions what brand of garment is offered. We also leave labels intact so you can see exactly what you have purchased.


laughing is contagious

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